WM Team Members Participate in Annual Fall Stream Clean Event
Wallace Montgomery (WM) is proud to serve as a steward of our communities by investing time, resources, and good old-fashioned elbow grease into various philanthropy events.
Wallace Montgomery (WM) is proud to serve as a steward of our communities by investing time, resources, and good old-fashioned elbow grease into various philanthropy events.
Wallace Montgomery (WM) adopted Habitat for Humanity as our sponsored charity for 2019.
Wallace Montgomery team members showcase their skills at work, but they’re also recognized for their talents outside of the office.
Wallace Montgomery (WM) is proud to announce that two of our projects have been featured in the National Park Services’ Guidelines for Rehabilitating Historic Covered Bridges.
Members of the MD 404 design-build joint venture team were invited to contribute an article outlining their successful partnering and project completion processes to Roads & Bridges magazine.