WM Team Members Receive Recognition from the MDOT SHA Office of Environmental Design.
At the recent MDOT SHA Annual Training and Recognition Day, the MDOT SHA’s Office of Environmental Design (OED) recognized its Quality Assurance group as their Team of the Year. This group, which is comprised of inspectors from a variety of Maryland-based firms, is tasked with ensuring that projects under construction throughout the state of Maryland comply with environmental standards and regulations. The Quality Assurance team includes three Environmental Compliance Specialists with WM’s Environmental Department, Dean Norman, Joshua Henry, and Erik Anderson.
The award certificate cites the team’s “unenviable task of informing internal and external stakeholders of MDOT SHA that something is incorrect … but they always maintain a positive focus to get the job done.” The award specifically recognizes the ways that the group builds consistency and collaboration into its site inspections, non-compliance findings, and issue resolutions, though they are “sometimes separated by large geographical regions.” The OED attributes its Quality Assurance group’s success to fostering “a work environment where problem solving, learning, and innovation flourish.”
The Quality Assurance team has helped MDOT SHA maintain an annual environmental compliance rate that is greater than 99 percent. In its award citation, the OED praises the team for “their mutual respect for the program, the environment, and each other.”
Congratulations to the Quality Assurance team for this recognition – and to Dean, Joshua, and Erik for their roles within the team.